Today, you will learn how you can ensure a high app quality by applying a variety of tests, and you will learn about various quality guidelines that you must follow to get your application ready for release.

Testing your code can help you catch bugs early in development, when bugs are the least expensive to address. As your app gets larger and more complex, testing improves your code's robustness. With tests in your code you can test in ways that are automatable and repeatable.

We will look at how to test small units in your application, as well as how to test the user interface, and we will carry out tests both on an emulator/real device and on the JVM.

Afterwards, we will look at how to create a release build and publish it to the Google Play Store, considering e.g. security and performance.

What you'll learn

Create local unit tests for your app project. Introduce dependency mocking if necessary.

Create UI tests for your app project.

Create a UI test automatically through the Espresso Test Recorder.

Try running some of your instrumented UI tests as local tests using Robolectric.

Prepare your application for release and generate a signed App Bundle.

If you are willing to pay the registration costs, set up a Google developer account and distribute your app project on the Google Play Store.